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Archive for September, 2014

Credit card

September 29th, 2014 at 04:24 pm

I have one credit card. It is with a company that gives credit too people with a bad credit rating. It is for £200 and is at its limit.

Short Explanation

September 29th, 2014 at 04:21 pm

My life is a mess (no one would know it). I am a star at hiding stuff. I am in debt, I overspend, procrastinate which causes me untold problems. I have a loving family and husband (second one, first one was a nightmare)I could have a very stress free life but for some unkown reason I just seem to want to wreck it. I have always worked, never been unemployed. Money is the devil to me. If I have it I have got to spend it. I am also over weight. I am sure all the above is inter linked some how ?

It is my intention to blog my way to a stress free life. Please feel free to comment, all constructive comments welcome.